Agnostics, Atheists, and Choosing a Higher Purpose will help you help your clients use Twelve Step programs, despite their concerns about spirituality, God, and/or religion. Choosing a Higher Purpose encourages clients to keep an open mind, find a purpose involving other people, and “work the program.” This course will help you challenge your agnostic/atheist client to explore what she believes and why, and to take stock of her recovery.
Changing Addictive Thinking: Slogans, analogies, & parables teaches professionals to use slogans, analogies, and parables to address addictive thinking. It focuses on common cognitive distortions and how particular slogans can be used to change this distorted thinking.
Common Sense and Culturally Sensitive Counseling of Co-Occurring Disorders provides a starting point for examining the interplay between culture, substance abuse and mental illness. The text challenges the reader to examine his or her cultural beliefs. It uses religion and sexuality as examples of how cultural variables affect mental health and substance abuse.
Ethics in the Helping Professions explains why good counselors go bad, why you shouldn’t use a stock tip you got from a client, and why dinner and a movie with your client’s cousin is a bad idea. It also reviews an ethical code, setting appropriate boundaries, and the basic ethical principles governing the helping professions.
Helping Clients With Dual Disorders includes a copy of Celebrating Small Victories: A counselor's manual for treating chronic mental illness and substance abuse. Celebrating Small Victories is a ‘how to’ book of simple strategies for overcoming both mental illness and substance abuse.
Helping Clients in Early Recovery includes a copy of Hauling it to the Curb: Cleaning up your life in early recovery. This workbook describes addiction in simple terms. It addresses denial, and outlines ways to survive early recovery. The first five steps of Twelve Step programs, and the accompanying slogans, are covered in detail.
How Well Do You Know The Big Book? Knowing what Alcoholics Anonymous, the 'Big Book' of AA, really says is vital for anyone working in the recovery field. By reading the Preface through the first 164 pages, and answering thirty-one questions about the text, professionals can strengthen their understanding of this cornerstone of recovery.
How Well Do You Know The Basic Text? reminds professionals what Narcotics Anonymous, NA’s 'Basic Text', really says about recovery. You will be able to describe the recovery program outlined in Narcotics Anonymous, describe NA’s official stance on several key issues, and differentiate between what the Basic Text says, and many commonly held but mistaken beliefs about NA.
Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy: Essential Skills teaches professionals how mindfulness practices can be incorporated into psychotherapy. It also shows how mindfulness can help professionals address their own stress. This course explores concentration practices open monitoring practices, loving kindness practices, and equanimity practices in therapy.
Sexual Addiction, Part I is based on Patrick Carnes’s landmark Out of the Shadows: Understanding sexual addiction. Sexual addictions, ‘real life’ and web-based, often go untreated because of stigma and shame. This course represents a first step in learning about sexual addictions and how to help your clients overcome this often undiagnosed issue.
Sexual Addiction, Part II covers in greater detail the pathology of sexual addictions, their cultural context, and their etiology. Like its predecessor, this course explores the role of Twelve Step concepts in treating sexual addiction. The course consists of a twenty-nine-item test based on Patrick Carnes’s Contrary to Love: Helping the sexual addict.
Standing on the Same Step: Meeting clients where they are & helping them move ahead provides a brief overview to Prochaska & DiClemente’s stage theory, and how it applies to dually diagnosed clients. This introductory training also discusses treatment strategies and relapse prevention. A sampling of group exercises is included in the text.